Jungle trekking - one of the activities of Tunamaya Beach and Spa Resort, Tioman Island

The second day morning in Tunamaya Beach and Spa Resort , all of us participated in the jungle trekking activity after our breakfast. The tr...

The second day morning in Tunamaya Beach and Spa Resort, all of us participated in the jungle trekking activity after our breakfast. The trail starting point is within the Villas area...

There was a guide for our group and he was friendly and clearly explained the trail condition to us before we trekking start. Understand from the guide, there are 3 hiking trail to 2 mountains, 1 hike to waterfall and the 1 trekking trail available for guest to choose from.

After the registered in the log book, our trail started...

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Direction signage was easily spotted along the way, you won't be lost if you are those regular trekker. Anyway, the trekking trail is covered by the GSM signal from Telco - Digi.

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Just beware of the big red ant along the trekking trail...

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Big red ants along the trekking trail

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Obstacles were quite easy for us along way...

The huge monkey nest spotted...

After short while of the ascending trail, that really made us exhausted...

Everyone was shocked initially (photo below) when seeing this! Then we realized that were the roots...

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One of the obstacle along the trail...

It was exciting climbed over the rocks and trees one-by-one...

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Round from the side of the big volcanic rock...

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150m to go...

When I saw this "150m to go", I was totally exhausted...but majority of our team mates still insisted to complete the trail to the observation tower which is the end point of the trail, so some of us decided to rest and some of us continued...

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Trail continues...

The jungle trekking was fun and excited. We completed the trail in one hour with 5 minutes rest at multi was also a good exercise for us before our lunch at the resort. Too bad I didn't record down the track from the start till the end point. Anyway, we enjoyed very much!

It's advise to take the trekking activities during your vacation in Tunamaya Resort, it will really sweat you in this tropical forest! :)

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3 days 2 nights exclusive trip to Tunamaya Beach and Spa Resort in Tioman Island.

Location map of Tunamaya Beach and Spa Resort in Tioman island


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